
Premium-class signal reception
Key facts
  • ITU-compliant measurements and applications for security authorities and organizations
  • Wide frequency range: from 8 kHz to 40 GHz (base unit: 20 MHz to 3.6 GHz)
  • Up to 80 MHz realtime bandwidth (base unit: 20 MHz)
  • Time domain analysis up to 20 MHz bandwidth
  • Realtime event capture (REC) for I/Q recordings and realtime replay
  • Various result displays
  • Integration into customer-specific software packages from third-party suppliers thanks to open, documented remote control interface and data formats
  • Internal recording and replay of spectra and waterfall data (for receivers with front panel operation or for external R&S®ESMD GUI software)
  • Map display with GNSS position (for receivers with front panel operation or for external R&S®ESMD GUI software)

Brief description The R&S®ESMD wideband monitoring receiver was specially developed for signal search, radiomonitoring, radio detection and spectrum monitoring tasks. It performs ITU-compliant measurements and meets the requirements of security authorities and organizations. The receiver is ideal for both stationary and mobile/vehicular applications because it can be operated via the front panel or remotely controlled via LAN.
Features & Benefits
  • Frequency range from 8 kHz to 40 GHz
    • One radiomonitoring receiver for ”all” frequencies
    • Base unit: 20 MHz to 3.6 GHz
      • R&S®ESMD-HF: option for HF signal reception down to 8 kHz
      • R&S®ESMD-SHF: option for SHF signal reception up to 26.5 GHz
    • Same size, even with the above frequency options installed (19 width, 4 HU)
    • R&S®MC40: external microwave downconverter for frequencies up to 40 GHz
  • Integrated antenna switch
    • Two separate inputs for HF (2) and VHF/UHF (3)
    • One SHF input
    • Automatic switching between antennas as a function of selected frequency, even during scanning
    • Easy definition of antenna and cable parameters
  • Powerful preselection: large-signal immunity and high sensitivity
    • Reliable protection against overloading due to strong signals
    • Outstanding sensitivity due to high-gain preamplifier stage
    • Ideal radiomonitoring receiver with wide dynamic range for all signal scenarios
    • Smooth operation, e.g. with a wideband receiving antenna (responsible for high signal sum load at receiver input)
  • FFT signal processing with 80 MHz realtime bandwidth (base unit: 20 MHz)
    • Realtime spectrum for detecting pulsed and frequency agile signals
    • FFT signal processing for fine frequency resolution and high sensitivity
    • FPGA implementation for top processing speed with fine resolution and sensitivity
  • Extremely fast spectral scan (panorama scan) across entire frequency range
    • Extremely fast FFT scan
    • Fast spectrum overview with extremely fine resolution bandwidth
    • Combination of spectral results and waterfall display
    • Optimal determination of frequency range of interest from an unknown starting position
  • Waterfall diagram for examination of signal history
    • Three-dimensional display of spectrum over frequency, time and color-coded signal level
    • History mode function to stop the waterfall and display a previous spectrum
    • Outstanding visual presentation of pulsed or frequency agile signals
    • Settable time resolution of waterfall (speed)
  • Recording of spectra and waterfall data and replay of results
    • Recording of spectra and waterfall data, e.g. on a USB flash drive
    • Replay of recorded content for detailed evaluation of signals contained in spectrum
    • Identical receiver and parameter settings in recording and replay modes
    • For receivers with front panel operation or for external R&S®ESMD GUI software
  • Map display with GNSS position
    • Map display of current receiver location
    • Selectable display of recorded results (e.g. spectra) relative to a position
    • Map material based on OpenStreetMap (OSM)
  • Polychrome spectrum to distinguish superimposed, pulsed signals
    • Display of time behavior (frequency of occurrence) of pulsed signals using color coding (for all realtime bandwidths)
    • Settable occurrence frequency threshold
    • Separate display of pulsed signals (superimposed in frequency, time and level)
  • Video spectrum for display of subcarriers and transmission rates
    • Spectrum display of demodulated signal
    • Clear display of subcarriers, e.g. 19 kHz pilot tone
    • Squared video spectrum to estimate the transmission rate (baud rate) of a digitally modulated signal
    • Combination of spectral results and waterfall display
  • Parallel signal processing of spectral path and demodulation path
    • Two parallel signal processing paths for spectrum and demodulation
    • Interference-free demodulation with parallel display of realtime spectrum and waterfall display
    • Seamless I/Q baseband data stream for signal analysis
    • Independent setting of bandwidth and center frequency
  • Level measurements with ”real” wideband detector
    • Wideband level measurements up 20 MHz bandwidth for sophisticated, digitally modulated signals
  • Frequency scan and memory scan for audio demodulation on changing channels
    • Frequency scan: continuous scanning of adjacent channels, automatic demodulation of channels where level exceeds squelch, e.g. in ATC band
    • Memory scan: scanning of different radio services with variable step size and demodulation mode
    • Convenient search for active signals and quick availability of audio content
  • 4+1 receivers in one instrument
    • R&S®ESMD-DDC option: four additional demodulation channels
    • Five software receivers in one instrument thanks to five demodulation channels (anywhere within realtime bandwidth)
    • Output of demodulated data as separate data streams via LAN interface
  • Time domain analysis up to 20 MHz bandwidth
    • R&S®ESMD-ZS option: time domain analysis (zero span)
    • Amplitude and instantaneous frequency display for detailed signal analysis
    • Selection of a 20 MHz wide signal within the 80 MHz realtime bandwidth
  • Open interfaces for remote control and data transmission
    • Two 1 Gbit Ethernet LAN interfaces for receiver remote control and result processing using Rohde & Schwarz system software (e.g. R&S®ARGUS 6.1, R&S®RAMON, R&S®CA100)
    • R&S®RX-10G option: retrofittable 10 Gbit Ethernet LAN interface
    • Documented interface description for flexible programming and data processing, even with customerspecific software package
  • Receiver remote control and data recording
    • R&S®ESMD-Control software package (included in scope of delivery) for receiver remote control via 1 Gbit LAN interface
    • Documentation of results on a PC (e.g. spectra and audio content), also for replaying recorded data for offline analysis
  • Interfaces for up to 80 MHz wide I/Q data streaming
    • R&S®ESMD-Control software package for receiver remote control via 1 Gbit LAN interface
    • Documentation of results on a PC (e.g. spectra and audio content), also for replaying recorded data for offline analysis
  • Multichannel signal detection and analysis in a networked system
    • R&S®ESMD-SP option: hardware-accelerated multichannel processing of I/Q data streams via 1 Gbit LAN interface, e.g. for multichannel content recovery and detection of fixed frequency and frequency agile signals
    • Further processing in a networked system, e.g. in combination with R&S®CA120 and suitable options
    • Documented interface description for flexible programming and data processing, even with third-party software package
  • ITU-compliant measurements in the receiver
    • R&S®ESMD-IM option: ITU-compliant measurements on signal parameters for AM, FM and PM-modulated signals (e.g. modulation index, occupied bandwidth and phase deviation)
    • Offline measurements on digitally modulated signals using the R&S®CA100IS software and suitable options (in line with ITU recommendation SM1600)
  • Detection of selective call services
    • R&S®ESMD-SL option: detection of audio-based selective calls and listing of received selective call standards
    • Result filtering according to relevant standards
  • DC operation (e.g. on vehicle battery)
    • R&S®ESMD-DC option: DC power supply (12 V to 32 V DC)
    • Space-saving vehicle installation
  • System time synchronization using NTP server
    • Time and date synchronization using an NTP server for simultaneous control of multiple receivers in a networked system
    • Easy comparison of measurement results received by different stations
  • TDOA ready with high-accuracy timestamps and GNSS synchronization of frequency and time
    • R&S®ESMD-IGT2 option: synchronization of receiver frequency and time using internal GNSS module
    • High-accuracy timestamps in I/Q baseband data stream for use in TDOA systems
  • Recording and replaying of up to 80 MHz wide I/Q data
    • Never miss an event: activation of recordings with flexible realtime event capture (REC)
    • Signals as received from an antenna: all receiver functions available when replaying I/Q data
    • Detailed display: replay of I/Q data with increased time resolution
    • Realtime replay of recorded data
    • Bring RF to the lab: Stream wideband I/Q data to Rohde & Schwarz signal generators
    • Use all functions with Rohde & Schwarz digital wideband storage devices
  • Single-channel direction finder upgrade kit
    • R&S®ESMD-DF option: upgrade to single-channel direction finder
    • Direction finding of signals in frequency range up to 6 GHz
    • Reliable DF results even in difficult environments (e.g. urban areas with up to 50 % reflection)
    • Parallel direction finding of all emissions within 20 MHz realtime bandwidth
  • Documentation of calibration values
    • R&S®ESMD-DCV option: documentation of calibration values with calibration certificate from final production testing for a specific serial number
    • Calibration label for instrument