Officine Meccaniche Gallaratesi (OMG)
DOXA.M/65Zx25 Насос
liqud end made of AISI 316L s.s.,
― s pecial execution for molten sulphur with integral jacket, cooled/heated plunger, complete of metallic
hoses (for heating medium),
― d ouble suction side ball valves made of AISI 316L s.s.,
― p lunger made of AISI 316L s.s. chromium coated,
― p acking suitable for molten sulphur at process temperature,
― ra ted capacity 330 lph @ 50 Hz,
― s peed 70 spm @ 50 Hz,
― d ischarge pressure 5 barg,
― N PSHR 4 m,
― s uction & discharge flanged connections UNI DN 25 PN 40,
― m anual stroke adjustment between 0 and 100% of rated capacity, with pump idle or operating,
― c oupled through gear reducer to 0.55 kW electric motor, 400V/3ph./50Hz, 4 poles,
flange size IEC 80, form V1, mechanical protection IP 55, safe area execution_